“Make Me Look Good”
Over the last three decades of catering corporate events in MD, DC & VA, in one way or another, this is what our clients have said to us. And we’ve delivered. We’ve made them look good to their boss, their employees, their clients and co-workers. Our clients come to rely upon our experience in corporate event planning, our determination to find the best solution, our commitment to providing the best food and service, and our unfailing enthusiasm.
Someone is depending on you to come up with all the right elements for a flawless event. Call on us as a resource to help make that happen. We’ll help design, plan and execute the day-of, while you stand back and enjoy the compliments. We’ll be your well kept secret.

Request A Consultation
We are excited to hear from you! For more information please fill out the contact form below and one of our Event
Specialists will be in touch very soon to begin this journey with you!
(Items marked with a * are required.)